Reflect and Reset
Mental Health
Personal Growth

Reflect & Reset

Reflect on your life and find new balance.

Join us on a 14-day journaling experience to foster gratitude and reconnect with your authentic self — so you can live your best life. Over the next 14 days, you will receive one thought-provoking prompt per day to help you explore your innermost thoughts and beliefs. As you progress, the prompts will nudge you to dig deeper.

(This is a preview; open this multi-day journaling experience in the app for the full experience!)

Day One

To start our journey, we want to introduce you to a simple and powerful journaling practice: stream-of-consciousness writing.

Today’s challenge: Stream-of-consciousness writing. Set your timer for (at least) 15 minutes, and write whatever comes to mind.

Day Two

It’s easy to take what we have for granted. But fostering gratitude for even the smallest things in our lives can help us appreciate what we have and remind us of the abundance we live in, ultimately making us more joyful human beings.

What are you grateful for today?

Day Three

There is a constant tension between the things that pull our attention and the things we really want to devote our energy to. This is made even more challenging in today’s fast-paced, hyper-connected, notification-driven world. 

This makes being intentional about our time and how we spend it more important than ever.

Look back on last week — how did you spend most of your time? Were there important things you would have liked to do that got deprioritized? What do you need to make more time for?

(Open this special, multi-day journaling guide in our app to see all 14 days.)

Open Guide in

Reflection App

Your guided journal for wellness and growth. is a delightfully-minimal private journaling app with powerful guides to help you flourish. With inspiring prompts, advanced privacy settings, and custom templates, the platform is a favorite among first-time and long-time journalers alike. Founders (and brothers) Dave and Mike Radparvar, also behind Holstee and the famed Holstee Manifesto, have brought their passion for meaningful products and beautiful design to the digital space with

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