Community Spotlight: A 365-Day Streak with Stefan Moenkediek

November 4, 2023
Journaling Tips & Resources
Community Spotlight: A 365-Day Streak with Stefan Moenkediek

Today, we bring you a story of transformation, of seeing the world a little differently, and of the beauty of sticking to something small.

Last August, Holstee introduced a 30-Day Challenge for their members.  A prompt that nudged the Community to reflect on what makes them feel most alive. The challenge was simple: Every evening, recall a moment from your day that made you feel vibrant, connected, or simply joyful and complete the sentence:

"Today, I felt most alive when...".

The aim? To help their community members understand their passions, recognize patterns in their happiness, and prioritize the things that truly matter.

365 days later, Stefan Moenkediek shared this:

"I am not the guy who likes to make some noise about myself, but today, I just need to share something I am very happy and proud about and grateful for. In August last year, the 30-day challenge was to give a daily thought about: 'Today, I felt most alive when...' and write it down, e.g., in Well, I took the challenge, and yesterday, I made my 365th entry in a row in the app, completing a full year of good thoughts and reflections. hurray:-)!"

Stefan's dedication didn't just stop at completing the challenge. He turned this 30-day suggestion into a year-long practice. And what did he gain from this newfound routine?

"It became a real routine before going to bed to think about what made the day special and what made me feel alive today. It makes me go to bed with a little smile every night. It makes me realize which tasks, activities, people, and feelings are continuously enriching my life. And it helps me to use these patterns for the day ahead. For sure, I will continue my daily entries. Thank you, Holstee, for enriching my life in so many ways!"

In light of Stefan's incredible journey of self-awareness and gratitude, we're thrilled to announce that the prompt he used for this challenge experience has now been crafted into an in-app guide: Feeling Alive. This way, more members of our community can embark on a similar voyage of introspection and growth.

Small acts, when done consistently, lead to big changes. Stefan's story is a testament to that. Today, we celebrate his journey and encourage every one of you to find that one small habit that can enrich your life in unforeseen ways. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step—or, in Stefan's case, a single journal entry.

Today, we bring you a story of transformation, of seeing the world a little differently, and of the beauty of sticking to something small.

Last August, Holstee introduced a 30-Day Challenge for their members.  A prompt that nudged the Community to reflect on what makes them feel most alive. The challenge was simple: Every evening, recall a moment from your day that made you feel vibrant, connected, or simply joyful and complete the sentence:

"Today, I felt most alive when...".

The aim? To help their community members understand their passions, recognize patterns in their happiness, and prioritize the things that truly matter.

365 days later, Stefan Moenkediek shared this:

"I am not the guy who likes to make some noise about myself, but today, I just need to share something I am very happy and proud about and grateful for. In August last year, the 30-day challenge was to give a daily thought about: 'Today, I felt most alive when...' and write it down, e.g., in Well, I took the challenge, and yesterday, I made my 365th entry in a row in the app, completing a full year of good thoughts and reflections. hurray:-)!"

Stefan's dedication didn't just stop at completing the challenge. He turned this 30-day suggestion into a year-long practice. And what did he gain from this newfound routine?

"It became a real routine before going to bed to think about what made the day special and what made me feel alive today. It makes me go to bed with a little smile every night. It makes me realize which tasks, activities, people, and feelings are continuously enriching my life. And it helps me to use these patterns for the day ahead. For sure, I will continue my daily entries. Thank you, Holstee, for enriching my life in so many ways!"

In light of Stefan's incredible journey of self-awareness and gratitude, we're thrilled to announce that the prompt he used for this challenge experience has now been crafted into an in-app guide: Feeling Alive. This way, more members of our community can embark on a similar voyage of introspection and growth.

Small acts, when done consistently, lead to big changes. Stefan's story is a testament to that. Today, we celebrate his journey and encourage every one of you to find that one small habit that can enrich your life in unforeseen ways. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step—or, in Stefan's case, a single journal entry.

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