When you're going through surgery, the story you hear yourself tell over and over again can change the chemicals coursing through your body and influence the responses of those you share it with. Take control of your story and make these realities help you rather than hurt you!
1. How can you truthfully and positively describe yourself as you share your surgery story?
You're the main character. Ever want to be a superhero? Great! Now's the time! Want everyone to root for you? Terrific - direct them to do that. Nervous? That makes sense, but can you balance that with hope? Some confidence? Insert those feelings, too.
2. Who are the supporting characters?
Supporting characters are appropriately named - they should support you! Share the positive projections your medical team is focused on creating and your belief in them. The issue you are solving with surgery is a supporting character, too. Does the name scare you? Don't use it - call it an "issue" or "challenge."
3. How do you want the story to end?
Great - tell that ending. That's not hubris; that's hope, and it's wonderful and helpful to put hope into the world.