Personal Growth
Intentions & Goals

Aligning with Your Life Purpose

Connect with your passion to find greater motivation and joy

Stuck in a rut? When you're aligned with your purpose, you feel excited about life. You have more energy to complete drudge work, overcome obstacles, and develop fresh approaches. You experience greater joy on a daily basis. Not only that, but you actually live longer and more healthfully. You don’t even have to quit your day job (though you might). You can tap into your purpose right now.

Take a moment to daydream about your best life. What are you doing? It might help to think about your absolute favorite way to spend time as a child.

Be specific. For example, don’t just write, “I’m swimming.” Where are you swimming? In a pool or an ocean? What does it look like? Feel like? Smell like?

What “work” that you did in the past made you feel like time was speeding by?

This doesn’t have to be a paid job. It might also be parenting, playing a sport, doing a hobby, practicing an instrument, or joining a volunteer effort such as handing out supplies to the homeless.

What are ways to include more of these activities in your everyday life?

Sure, you might want to leave your job. But if, for example, you are passionate about sustainability, is there a way to lead a sustainability initiative at your work? Or volunteer with an eco-conscious group on weekends?

Picture yourself doing this activity in the very near future. How does it make you feel inside?

Harness the power of this feeling to motivate you to make it a priority to further align with your purpose. What specific steps are you going to take to start traveling down this road today?

You might write it down and post it on your bathroom mirror. Tell a friend or loved one and ask them to be an accountability partner. Google where and how you can get involved in your favorite activity in your community.

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MeiMei Fox

Author, Coach & CEO of Your Bestselling Book
MeiMei Fox is a 2x New York Times bestselling author, coach to high achievers, and the founder of Your Bestselling Book, which helps you become a published author. Fox has written over 500 articles for Forbes based on interviews with CEOs, entrepreneurs and changemakers on aligning your career with your life purpose. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa with honors and distinction from Stanford University with a BA and MS in psychology.

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