Personal Growth

Awe Narrative

A writing exercise that makes you feel awesome.

Unlock the transformative power of awe with this guided journaling exercise. By reflecting on moments that inspire wonder and amazement, you'll tap into a profound sense of connection and expand your perspective. This practice can reduce stress, boost happiness, and foster a deeper appreciation for life's beauty. Prepare to rediscover the extraordinary in your everyday experiences.

1. Recall a recent awe-inspiring experience.

Take a moment to think back to the last time you felt truly awestruck. It could be a natural wonder, a work of art, or a powerful human interaction.

2. Describe the setting in vivid detail.

Paint a picture with words. What did you see, hear, smell, or feel? How did the environment contribute to your sense of awe?

3. Explore your emotional and physical responses.

How did your body react to this experience? Did you feel small, connected, or part of something greater? Describe any physical sensations or emotional shifts.

4. Reflect on how this experience changed your perspective.

In what ways did this awe-inspiring moment alter your understanding of the world or yourself? Did it challenge any preconceptions?

5. Connect this experience to your daily life.

How can you bring elements of this awe-inspiring moment into your everyday routine? Are there ways to cultivate more awe in your life?

Open Guide in

Greater Good Science Center

Science-based practices for a meaningful life.
The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley explores the science of a meaningful life, fostering research into social and emotional well-being since 2001. It transforms scientific discoveries into practical resources for a happier life and more compassionate society. The GGSC bridges science and practice, helping people apply research to their lives. This nonprofit, member-supported organization is based at UC Berkeley.

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