1. What are your top 3 core values?
Take a moment to list the values that guide your life and actions. (Examples: honesty, creativity, compassion.)
2. Think of a recent decision or situation. How did your values influence your choices?
Reflect on how you used your values as a compass. (Example: I chose to help my colleague because I value kindness.)
3. Is there an area of your life where you feel disconnected from your values?
Identify where you may need to realign with what matters most.
4. What small action can you take today to live more closely with your values?
Pick a specific behavior that reflects your values and commit to it. (Example: I will spend 10 minutes volunteering because I value community.)
5. How can you remind yourself of your values daily?
Find ways to keep your values top of mind. (Example: Setting a daily reminder on your phone, writing them on sticky notes for your workspace, artwork, music, and places you frequent.)
6. Visualize yourself living fully aligned with your values. What does that look and feel like?
Picture your day-to-day life where your actions reflect your core values. How does it influence your relationships, work, and personal well-being?