Reverse-Engineer Your Goals:
Example Goal: When I have $X in my bank account, THEN I'll feel secure and relaxed.
Example Reverse: If I want to feel secure, my goal might be to clarify & work toward what my business coach calls an "enough number" - the amount of money I need to earn in a specific season of life to support the life I want to be living.
1. This year, I want to feel...
2. To feel this way, I will...
Now, Tap Into Your Future Self
Imagine that your future self, one year from now, is sitting next to you—holding an important piece of wisdom that they want you to know.
As you answer the prompt below in your journal, imagine that you are handing your future self a microphone, allowing them to speak to you through the page.
Note: If the exercise feels uncomfortable or challenging at first, that's okay. There's no right or wrong answer—give it a try.
Dear [Your Name], I'm your future self, and this is what you need to know...