Health & Wellness
Personal Growth

Declutter Your Life

Enjoy more healing and harmony, more relaxation and rejuvenation

Organization is about more than just stuff. It’s about looking internally to find the root of your struggles with stuff. Journaling will help you sort through the mental clutter, which will equip you to sort through the physical clutter. A clear mind allows you to clear your surroundings for more health, healing and happiness.

1. What are all of my home's decluttering opportunities?

Free write about all the healthy changes you could make to your current living space

2. Make a to-do list of all the opportunities (smallest to largest). 

3. Choose the first task and do a 10-minute Burst*

*The 10-Minute Burst 

After you finish the journaling exercise each day, take 10 minutes to speed-clean, declutter, or organize one area of your home. Set a timer and go! This can mean folding a stack of clean laundry, sorting through one dresser drawer for clothes giveaways, or shredding one pile of papers. When the timer goes off, keep going if you are on a roll, or stop and congratulate yourself on a job well done. 


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Mari L. McCarthy

Creator of Journaling For The Health Of It®
Mari L. McCarthy is the Founder and CEO-Chief Empowerment Officer of CreateWriteNow-The Journaling For The Health Of It® Center for mental wellness, self-healing, and personal growth. She is the international multi-award-winning author of Journaling Power, Heal Your Self With Journaling Power, and Mindset Medicine. Mari’s also created 20+ Journaling Power Self-Paced Workbooks, including Who Am I?, Love Your Body, and Heal Your Life In 27 Days.

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