1. When have you recently felt like you are hiding or that something is holding you back from showing up fully as yourself?
Think of 2-3 moments, interactions, or scenarios you experienced by yourself, in a relationship, at work, or in some other context.
2. What would you call this lesser version of yourself?
(E.g., perfectionist, people-pleaser, victim, achiever, clown, coward, controller, etc.)
3. How has this version of yourself hurt you?
Imagine a conversation with this version of yourself. Tell it about the pain it has caused you or others.
4. How has this version of yourself helped or protected you?
These lesser versions of ourselves often exist because they once had a role to play. Again, imagine a conversation where you thank this part of yourself but let it know that it is no longer needed.
5. When have you recently felt a sense of alignment between who you are and how you show up in the world?
It can be in any context, just like question 1 above. In the coming days, record these experiences of alignment to give you courage for the journey of leaving what you’ve outgrown and coming home to your true self.