Personal Growth

Nightly Reflection Ritual

End your day with insight, learning, and positive reinforcement

This evening practice has been key to my personal and professional growth. It helps me reflect on achievements, learn from challenges, and reinforce positive choices. By consistently journaling at night, you'll develop a growth mindset, celebrate progress, and prepare for tomorrow. It's a simple yet powerful way to close each day with purpose and set the stage for continuous improvement.

1. What went well today? 

Reflect on your successes, no matter how small. Celebrating daily wins boosts confidence and motivation.

2. What could have gone better? 

Identify areas for improvement without judgment. This reflection fuels growth and prepares you for future challenges.

3. What reinforcing choice did you make today? 

Highlight an action that aligns with your bigger-picture goals. Recognizing these choices strengthens your commitment to long-term success.

4. Who did you serve today? 

Consider how you positively impacted others. This cultivates a sense of purpose and connection.

5. Compare with last year (optional) 

If using a multi-year journal, briefly compare today's entry with the same date from previous years. Notice patterns, growth, and changes in your life.

This practice typically takes about 5 minutes. Consistency is key to gaining insights and tracking your progress over time.

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Joe Jacobi

Olympic Gold Medalist & Performance Coach
Joe Jacobi, Olympic Gold Medalist, and Performance Coach, collaborates with high-performance leaders to unlock their Why, achieve impacting Wins, and ride better Life Waves. Drawing from his elite athletic career and leadership experience, Joe guides clients to navigate challenges with a canoeist's precision. His book "Slalom" offers strategies for confronting obstacles and maintaining focus. Joe inspires others to achieve their full potential.

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