1. Am I treating life as a movie in which I'm the hero? If so, what's an example? (Question inspired by Naval Ravikant)
2. Am I valuing my time? Am I counting each separate day as a separate life? (Question inspired by Seneca and Naval Ravikant)
3. If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? (Question from Steve Jobs)
4. On hard decisions I have to make (which never have a good timing)... Am I thinking about the costs and risks of NOT DOING IT? (Question from Tim Ferriss)
5. Am I pursuing a meaningful destination while having an adventurous and joyful journey? (Question inspired by Nassim Taleb and Naval Ravikant)
6. Have I been acting from an Inner Scorecard? (Question from Warren Buffet)
7. Am I doing the best I can? (Question inspired by Rick Rubin and Jim Rohn)
8. Am I being authentic to myself? Am I building this product for myself? (Question from Naval Ravikant, Rick Rubin)
9. Am I actively seeking out negative feedback? And am I listening very carefully to it? (Question from Elon Musk)
10. When thinking about learning or doing something in a field I don’t have any expertise in, do I ask myself: How hard can it be? (Question from Jensen Huang and Paul Graham)