1. What are your biggest strengths and energizers? What bottlenecks are getting in the way of expressing these?
2. Consider The Fiji Test: If anyone on the team were to get whisked away for three weeks, with no access to devices or ability to give notice, could a stranger to the business seamlessly step in to do the work?
Think about how you can further externalize your business mind by getting all information about running the business out of your (and team members) heads and onto a shared internal Manager Manual.
3. How can you systematize values like “surprise and delight” to ensure clients and community members have a joyful experience working with you?
4. Do you identify with the challenge of stepping out of the “Chief Everything Officer” role or even “All-Seeing Question Answerer”? What sub-roles seem hardest to give up?
5. What stops you from doubling what you delegate? Are there areas of life or work where you delegate better than others? Worse? What work do you find most draining that you can run a small experiment with?
6. How can you earn twice as much in half the time, with ease and joy, while serving the highest good? Or how can you replace this with an even more expansive question?